Best in Show: Knit Your Own Dog

From Perky Poodle to Burly Bulldog

Have you ever wondered how to knit your own dog? Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne are presenting a crafty book that is truly one of its kind.

Best in Show explains how to knit your own companion step by step. Dog Lovers can choose from 25 breeds, including hounds, terriers and working dogs.

Each instruction starts with a beautiful portrait photo and a little description about the breed. I have learned that the Afghan Hound is “ridiculously beautiful” and that the wonderful portability of the Dachshund and its “enchanting face” made him a dear companion to artists like Andy Warhol or Pablo Picasso. Reading about different types of dogs did not improve my opinion of those little Fiffies in any way.

Best in Show: Knit Your Own Dog is recommended for:

I could not take my eyes of the French chic of the poodle and would highly recommend this guide as a coffee table book. It would also make a great present for your dog loving knitting friend.

To enjoy these projects, you will need intermediate knitting skills.

The Authors

Thinking of all those writers that are dying to get published, it makes you wonder how they pitched this charming little idea to their publisher. Sally Muir and Joanna Osborne are successful knitwear designers. Their sheep jumper had been worn by Princess Diana and later chosen by the Victoria and Albert Museum for permanent exhibition.

Crafty animal lovers rejoice! Since Best in Show has been published, the range has been enlarged. You can now also learn how to knit cats, dinosaurs and all sorts of other animals. This series is a great success and Muir & Osborne have been even ennobled with an appearance on the Martha Stewart Show.

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