Why Is Unicorn Chocolate Making German Hipsters Cry?

What was supposed to make hipsters and unicorn lovers magically happy, upset indeed a whole generation. The white chocolate with yogurt, raspberry and cassis rainbow with super sparkly unicorn packaging was sold out in a blink of an eye.

Social Media was outraged. Reproduction was launched ASAP and royal Ritter Sport supporters were able to pre-order new unicorn chocolate bars online. Rejoice! With about 500 times more views than on an average day, the server went TILT and the unicorn chocolate bars were sold out in 10 minutes.

Social Media was outraged. 2016 asked a lot of us in terms of digesting input. Some may rather chase unicorns than … say … watch the news. I can assure you, a trip to the flag ship store in Berlin is no help either. In return Ritter Sport posted this statement on their blog.

#vegan #Ritter Sport

It sounds a lot like begging for forgiveness and comes with the realization that production is too time-consuming for them to ever make it a regular. Then they apologize a bit more.

It was too good to be true. There will be no more unicorn chocolate. On the bright side, the passionate Foodie Hipster can still fall back on the vegan varieties; because when you think chocolate, you just think Quinoa!?
[Pssst! You don’t have to put on Conor Oberst and weep; just spend 20 Euros on Ebay.]

No Unicorns were harmed making this chocolate.

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8 thoughts on “Why Is Unicorn Chocolate Making German Hipsters Cry?

  1. Awk?! Seriously. So disappointed at Ritter Sport. For making that bar in the first place, that is. There is no such thing as white chocolate! Thank you for swinging by the “Ranch” and for the follow. We 💗 chocolate lovers and visitors. 😉

    1. Maybe Ritter Sport needs to focus on the packaging factor more; they could do a Movember Edition or Elf on the Shelf… I’d try to buy it…

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