Gone Fishing!

Oh yes, be kitschig blog is having a bit of a time out to soak up some sun and fingers crossed there will be lots and lots of sun! We really deserve this holiday.

If you like, check out some older stuff. Here are a few suggestions

My least liked post. Ever!

This photo was taken at an extended First Aid class in Australia. Came complete with a lot of info you would not get anywhere else in the world …

Schlager Sunday – Staying Alive

#First Aid #CPR songs

Some Really Old Stuff

Loos Yourself at Melbourne Zoo

#kitsch melbourne zoo trail of poo

Craig Harper: Stop F*cking Around! 30 Principles for a Better Life

#personal development

Why Is Unicorn Chocolate Making German Hipsters Cry?

Ritter Sport Einhorn Schokolade Der Skandal

Some Artsy Stuff

Sunrise at the Abandoned Resort

be kitschig ghost town White Rocks Malta Lost Places

Australia’s Big Things – The Big Cockroach


A Paper Monument for the Paperless

A Paper monument for the Paperless Berlin Oderberger Str be kitschig blog

A Little Berlin

David Hasselhoff Museum

Be Kitschig Blog Berlin David Hasselhoff Museum #kitsch #thehoff

Alexanderplatz and the Seasons

be kitschig berlin alexanderplatz fotos

Save Mauerpark

Save mauerpark Berlin rette be kitschig blog

A Little Motivation

50 Motivational Quotes

motivation inspiration quotes Zitate

To write or not to write

Write or not write schreiben oder nicht schreiben

15 Quotes on Art

be kitschig blog 15 art quotes

Enjoy your week and the beauty of fall or spring, depending on your hemisphere. This blog will be back shortly.

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