The Spirit Animal Award

Many moons ago, Sabine from incahootswithmuddyboots has nominated me for this very special and quirky award. Many thanks! I really appreciate the honor, especially coming from Sabine. Make sure to check out her beautiful blog. She writes about life, traveling, vegetarian cooking and many things in between.

Who am I, what does my blog mean to me, and what animal would I want to be:


This blog started, like many more, to write and to make sense of the world. Some people take themselves a bit seriously and embracing kitsch, quirkiness and life, seemed worth celebrating. However, kitsch is a fairy with many faces and diving in to the topic properly one day would be wonderful…

Some of you know, that we’ve relocated from Australia to Berlin last year and tackling a move like that didn’t leave a lot of time for other things. Despite some pretty good preparation, it all went a bit strange at some point and now, that things are calming down, I’m looking forward to watching our Berlin story unfold. I’d really like to write more and read other blogs.

It took a long time to come up with a spirit animal. While I’m more of a cat person, spiritually it would have be some animal that can fly. Like an eagle. Unfortunately, we’ve learned from Colette Brown, that we cannot all of us indeed be regal animals. Looking at this blog, I’ll go with peacock; pretty but somewhat useless and maybe one day it will learn to fly.

Being nominated is a wonderful feedback, as there are people out there, that like what you do. I don’t want to exclude bloggers or bother the award free blogs, so I would like to nominate all of you!

Please leave a comment or accept the award on your blog (in which case you also have to put this artwork on there, erm). I would love to know, what spirit animal you are!

Happy blogging!

Peacocks from the Big Rocking Horse, Australia and our living room.