German Word of the Day – Stoßlüften

Do you know the difference between Stoßlüften and Querlüften? It seems the world has caught up on our love for airing out appartements. Here I was wondering if blogs were museums and it seems rather difficult not to write about current affairs this year. Airing out is the new super weapon against Corona.

In an article by the Guardian you will find an extended explanation of what Stoßlüften really is. Germans are obsessed with airing out their apartments properly. Windows should be wide open at least twice a day to ensure the appropriate circulation of air. Our rental contract actually came with a pamphlet on how to air out correctly.

There are different techniques of Lüften and, of course, we have nice words for that. Foreigners in German offices will know what it is like in the middle of winter when your colleagues insist on airing out for at least five minutes. This is generally followed by an argument with that one co-worker who is afraid of draft. See, in Germany draft is responsible for catching all sorts of stuff, from stiff necks to bladder infections. The Guardian claims, that is why Germans love wearing scarfs. I’m not sure about that one.

So, hop on over to the article about Stoßlüften, if you want to read the whole explanation! If you speak German, there is also a reaction by Süddeutsche Zeitung; both had me in stitches.

Should we just live on thin air?

Do you air out properly in your country?

Pictures by No-longer-here, Gaby Stein and A. Schüler on Pixabay

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