Shakespeare in America

On a much more mundane level, marketers of kitsch like the Beanie Babies know that Shakespeare has widespread commercial as well as cultural value, whatever his physical form. Shakespeare, in fact, is America’s favorite kitsch–although manufactured almost invariably in Asia. It sells in Britain, too, of course, most notably in Stratford-upon-Avon and London (though the buyers, in all likelyhood, are dispropotionally American), but in the United States a selection of Shakespeare kitsch can be found at most Shakespeare Festival theaters, at novelty shops and mainstream bookstores, and in mail order catalogues.

Alden T. Vaughan & Virginia Mason Vaughan: Shakespeare in America

You can read the full quote here

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Please, lovers of Shakespeare don’t get mad at me, it is Vaughan and Vaughan saying this.

(Isn’t it strange that the lady comes second?)

While they do have a point, I thought it would be funny to share this with you during decorating season. After all, all over America people are getting their decorations out, for Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas.  

Bigger, Better, Faster, More!

Scene from A Midsummer Night’s Dream by Edwin Landseer

Image from Chaos07 on Pixabay

Art or Kitsch?

20 Quotes on Kitsch

Gnomeo & Juliet

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