Schlager Sunday – Can’t Wrap This!

Are you one of those people who couldn’t wrap a present if their life depended on it? No worries, you’re not alone. Can’t Wrap This! has you covered.

Ladies and Gentleman, it’s Hammer Time!

Common, just watch it. You know you want to …

Now, I’ve searched the internet long and hard and could not find anything about this song. He sounds like MC Hammer, he’s dancing like MC Hammer, I’m convinced. If you know any more about this video, please fill me in on the magic.

If you are really looking for some gift wrapping hacks, this video is pretty handy. From presents to DIY decorations, you’ll be surprised. Mind you, half of that stuff wouldn’t look like that, if I tried that, but this clip is strangely mesmerizing.

Merry Christmas – Happy Holidays!?!

My First Christmas Pickle

Schlager Sunday – This One’s for the Children

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