Dong Xuan Center Berlin #2

Welcome to the second part of Dong Xuan Center Berlin! If you can think of it, you can probably buy it here …

Eyes & eyes
In case you ever wondered where you can buy shirts like this
What is a fruit baby?
Varying view
Maneki-neko & Buddha

This Mannequin was granted some arms
Funny Shirts
Masks & Christmas decorations
Piggy Pigs
Tea Cups
Some more plastic

A Few Words on Dong Xuan Center Berlin

Đồng Xuân means Spring Meadow. Nguyễn Văn Hiền, like many Vietnamese guest workers, lost his job after the Wall came down. He started selling clothes but had to go to a wholesale market in Poland every time he needed new goods. Soon the idea grew to establish a market in Berlin, with the model of the world famous market in Hanoi. His idea proved to be successful. Since 2005, retailers are able to buy a cornucopia of goods and get a hair cut and a decent meal while they are there under one roof.

While it is not encouraged to take photos at the Dong Xuan Center Berlin, this was the only place where I got yelled at – imagine a super kitschy peacock plastic …

The merchants at the Dong Xuan Center Berlin include not just Vietnamese people but also Indian and Pakistani, as well as Chinese and Turkish.

The market is also a valuable source for people from many countries to find that one special ingredient for cooking. It is bringing people from all walks of life together. By the way, the market is one of the biggest tax payers in the district of Berlin Lichtenberg.

Unicorn stress balls

Food plays such an important part for our identity and makes us feel like home. I remember how happy I was when I finally found a decent loaf of bread in Australia!

So yes, they do sell a whole bunch of kitschy goods but it seems to be more a question of demand rather than supply, or does it?


Happy online traveling!

Have a happy Hump Day.

More kitschy travel

Part 1

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David Hasselhoff Museum Berlin

Garden Gnome Park Trusetal

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