Finally, There’s Unicorn Chocolate for Everyone…

… and a whole bunch of other sparkly unicorn crap. Don’t get me wrong, I think unicorns are pretty awesome but this seems a bit much. What goes into a Unicorn Frappuccino anyways?

Einhorn Schokolade kitsch be kitschig
Finally, Unicorn chocolate for everyone!
Einhorn Cerialien kitsch be kitschig
Unicorns for breakfast
Unicorn Einhorn Schnapps be kitschig Kitsch
Unicorns for desert

Times must be pretty scary when people turn to this kind of comfort kitsch.

Einhorn Unicorn keychain kitsch be kitschig
Unicorn Poo Keychains. (In case you wonder, one squeeze and it gets very sparkly.)
mindful coloring in Unicorn kitsch einhorn ausmalen
Unicorns help with mindfulness
be kitschig Einhorn Unicorn Magic Towels
Unicorn Magic Towels
be kitschig #kitsch #unicorn #einhorn
Unicorns help staying organized


Why is Unicorn Chocolate Making German Hipsters Cry?


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